Book Release Date Revisions » Richard Flint Photography
Book Delay With Christmas come and gone its time to get a few things sorted out regarding my book release timetable. A couple of big changes to the release dates for upcoming photography books were made a couple of weeks ago. Quite simply the amount of photography work before Christmas meant I wasn’t able to concentrate on the text for The Two Towns book that was due for release in December. Rather than rush the book out, I’ve decided to delay the release until the end of next year. It is a drastic change but I really do want to release the book in the runup to the Christmas period. December 2020 will mark the fifth anniversary of the trip to Edinburgh – plus I will have a whole year to work on the introduction and other remaining text for the book. The text hasn’t flowed nearly as easily as I would have liked! Seven Hills With the delay of the Two Towns book, the next book for release will […]
Richard Flint