Pinning on Pinterest

By |2017-03-13T11:46:49+00:00May 23rd, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |


I seem to have had a revelatory moment over the weekend when it comes to Pinterest, a photo sharing website that I’ve had an account with for some time (18 months or more) but could never work out what to do with. Well suddenly the answers fell into place.

I logged into Pinterest again to have another look and was suddenly confronted by some really interesting portrait pins (or photos to the rest of us) of several Vietnam war photojournalists that inspired me to become a photographer. Many of these images I’d never seen before and included names such as Catherine Leroy, Sean Flynn, Dana Stone and David Douglas Duncan. Often you get to see the images by these photographers but never the actual person behind the camera. It’s great being able to see and bookmark these images for future reference, although i have to admit the copyright issue is a slight concern. It’s early days for my Pinterest page but I’m enjoying it and finding it useful for my photography.

Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann summarized the Pinterest company as a “catalog of ideas,” rather than as a social network and i think that a pretty accurate description of what Pinterest is about. I’ve found that the boards (Pinterest allows users to save images and categorize them on different boards) are quite insightful into the Pinterest user – more so than other websites. I currently have fourteen boards which cover subjects from photojournalism to stage and theatre. Alan Rickman seems to appear a lot too. Bizarrely I found a photo location in Edinburgh I’m going to use later in the year via a 1991 Edinburgh fringe publicity photo featuring Alan doing the Tango!

More about that in a later post… :)

My Pinterest page can be found at