
Photographers within a landscape

By |2017-03-13T11:46:49+00:00September 22nd, 2014|Categories: The Test Strip Photoblog|Tags: , , , , |


If there is one place on Skye that is loaded with photographers (and Skye has its fair share!) it has to be Sligachan, located halfway between Broadford and Portree, where the Cullins mountains dominate the landscape.

The landscape just shouts to be photographed and on my visit there were these intrepid snappers shooting the landscape from the little hill. Every one of them had a tripod, while mine laid sleeping  in the boot of the car.

Possibly they were a camera club, photography workshop or a bunch of photography enthusiasts on a trip, but regardless of who they were, it was fascinating to see  how they carefully viewed the landscape and went about their photography of the black Cuillins. Then they packed their gear, picked up their tripods and went back to the car park, a large number of them taking notice of the film camera  i was carrying as they went by.

Just a shame I’ll probably never get to see the photographs they shot that day.

A Stone’s Throw

By |2020-01-29T14:59:51+00:00July 27th, 2014|Categories: Featured Gallery, Portfolio Galleries|Tags: , , , , , |

A Stone’s Throw | Tintype styled landscape and still-life photography.

This photography project uses a coloured tintype visual style and explores local roads and fields. All of the images were shot within two miles of my former home in North Yorkshire.

Close to Home

Several of the images include locations that, though very close to home, I’d never visited before even though I’d lived in that area for over 35 years.

The phrase ‘a stone’s throw‘ refers to the short distances involved.

Tintype Process

The tintype photo process, also known as a melainotype or ferrotype, dates back to the Victorian era, being at its most popular during the 1860s and 1870s.

The original Victorian process used several highly toxic ingredients including potassium cyanide as a fixer. These images were, however, taken using an iPhone and the Hipstamatic photography app.

More details about the Tintype photo process can be found HERE

[The images are best viewed with the gallery in full screen mode]

Photography Books Update

By |2023-07-02T20:15:14+01:00October 19th, 2013|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , |


Tourists at the Trotternish Ridge, Skye

Time for some updates about the two books due for release over the next year or so, and there is some good news and bad news.

First of all we’ll start with the bad news that the book releases have been delayed until 2014. This is due to work commitments and delays in the design of the books. Getting the books exactly right is the first priority and i don’t want to rush such important projects.

So now to the good news. 2014 will see two books launched with the first being the Scotland book. The Norfolk Project book will be released in the late summer. Originally the plan had been to do the Norfolk book first, but work on the Scotland /Skye photography book (the book title has yet to be decided) is coming along nicely with already 78 pages completed. The exact number of pages in this 13×11 (33x28cm) landscape format book has also yet to be decided but it will certainly be over 100 pages.

As for the Norfolk Project book , well it needs more time for design and development. Scanning all of the images required for the book is just one epic task that needs doing. Again the number of images has yet to be decided but it will be a big book – most likely the biggest I’ve done so far.

Finally, Sea, Sky, Sand and Street, my 2011 Norfolk photography book, is now available to download AGAIN from Blurb. Sadly the eBook hasn’t been available for a while after changes were made on the Blurb website that were not communicated to me! The iPad edition of the book has been added again  and can be purchased on my Blurb bookshop for £3.49

The book has also been sent to Apple for review and, hopefully, inclusion in the Apple iBookstore. The review should take two to three weeks and if everything goes swimmingly, Sun, Sky, Sea and Street will be purchasable from iTunes for £3.49 too.

A Highland Plan

By |2017-03-13T11:46:50+00:00October 2nd, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

This time last month i was in the Highlands, a remarkably beautiful place that is a photographer’s paradise. Images are round ever corner whether it be the mountains, the lochs or castles like Eilean Donan seen in the image above. The visit, as well as being a great creative canvas,  made me rethink  a one of my planned projects.

Originally I intended to release another photography book about the Highlands later this year, but after some thought I’ve decided to delay the book until late next year. The reasons are many but what it really comes down to is two factors. First i think the idea of doing a book each year is rather limiting.

A book should only be released if it has strong photographs, otherwise it is just a waste of time. Secondly,  the Sea, Sky, Sand and Street project worked well and produced a strong photography book. To rush and  release something when it isn’t complete or ready seems ridiculous. You don’t make a book just for making’s sake, it has to be right!

The images taken up there this year are a start. The foundations have been laid and next year more photography will be shot to  be added to the book project.

So it looks like 2012 will see no book releases by me. I’m happy enough with that. I’d rather release a great book occasionally that a weak one each year. One book remains on the list for release next year. The  Norfolk Project photography book, covering over ten years of photos will take shape over the coming months with a release due for the summer of 2013.

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