
Old Railway Route

By |2017-09-03T19:27:53+01:00September 3rd, 2017|Categories: The Test Strip Photoblog|Tags: , , , , , , |

An old railway route has found a new lease of life as part of the Sea to Sea Cycle Route (C2C), a 140 miles (230 km) cycle route opened in 1994. – Waskerley, County Durham

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be adding more images to the website taken along a short six mile section of the C2C route.

A Website Shop and more coming soon

By |2017-03-13T11:46:49+00:00May 8th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , |


Glencoe, Highlands of Scotland, 2015

It’s been around a year since the new website design was launched and over the last 12 months a number of changes and improvements have been made to the site.

This year the focus has been on speeding up the website, improving the menu system and adding a new slideshow system to the gallery. The biggest, and most exciting change however will arrive next month when the website will feature a shop where prints can be purchased direct from my good self.

Powered by the Woocommerce system and using PayPal for payment, the store will initially contain a limited series of 20×16 inch framed prints, starting with my Scotland landscapes (including the shot of Glencoe seen above), that will be numbered and signed. I’m keeping things simple to start with but I will  add other items at a later date along with new print finishes etc.

The second big change concerns the news section itself. I’ve decided to add more posts to the site and broaden the current remit of the news section to include posts with new photography, video and audio. The news area of the website is being underused at the moment and the change will make the news section more dynamic and varied.

Both the shop and the news changes will come into effect in June.

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