
Prints via Printic

By |2021-07-08T12:57:39+01:00April 23rd, 2013|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , |


Mobile phones have dramatically changed the way we view and take pictures. We now have the ability to capture and share images with our friends and family easily. Even photojournalists have started to embrace the phone as a imaging making tool. There is even a photographic project on this very website produced using an iPhone.

We often post images to the web,  but a recent post on a friend’s website in the States put me onto a service called Printic who can deliver photographic prints to you via their iPhone app. The Printic app contains all you need to order prints direct from the camera roll of your phone. Just select the images you want, crop and edit the images to suit, select an address you wish the images to be shipped to and then pay using a credit card or paypal. Simple.

So what are the results like? Well I’ve used the service twice to have nine of my Scotland photos printed and the results have been excellent. The prints you get back are in a 3×4 inch Polaroid Instamatic type of style with a square image at the top and a holding strip at the bottom.  Image quality is excellent with the tones, colours and gamma just like the original and the paper weight is similar to any normal photographic paper. The prints sizes and shape are perfect for getting prints from Hipstamatic or Instagram but if you shoot anything other than square, Printic doesn’t offer that paper size option. Hopefully more paper sizes will become available soon.

The cost of each print is $0.99 / 0,79€ and a minimum of three prints is needed for each order. I received five prints for £3.50 within five days of ordering. One nice touch is that you can send prints direct to another postal address making it simple to deliver prints to friends and family. Not only does the service have uses for producing prints for the family album, it’s also a great way of getting great quality work prints for pro photographers shooting project work.

I will certainly use the Printic service again and the great thing is you can order from where ever you are so the prints can be waiting for you when you get home. As for my prints, well I’m going to mount and frame a few of them and hang them around my editing area.

More information about Printic can be found on their website at

A Highland Plan

By |2017-03-13T11:46:50+00:00October 2nd, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

This time last month i was in the Highlands, a remarkably beautiful place that is a photographer’s paradise. Images are round ever corner whether it be the mountains, the lochs or castles like Eilean Donan seen in the image above. The visit, as well as being a great creative canvas,  made me rethink  a one of my planned projects.

Originally I intended to release another photography book about the Highlands later this year, but after some thought I’ve decided to delay the book until late next year. The reasons are many but what it really comes down to is two factors. First i think the idea of doing a book each year is rather limiting.

A book should only be released if it has strong photographs, otherwise it is just a waste of time. Secondly,  the Sea, Sky, Sand and Street project worked well and produced a strong photography book. To rush and  release something when it isn’t complete or ready seems ridiculous. You don’t make a book just for making’s sake, it has to be right!

The images taken up there this year are a start. The foundations have been laid and next year more photography will be shot to  be added to the book project.

So it looks like 2012 will see no book releases by me. I’m happy enough with that. I’d rather release a great book occasionally that a weak one each year. One book remains on the list for release next year. The  Norfolk Project photography book, covering over ten years of photos will take shape over the coming months with a release due for the summer of 2013.

Book Beginnings

By |2017-03-13T11:46:50+00:00July 21st, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Last year i released my first photography book in the shape of Sea, Sky, Sand and Street, a collection of images taken around Norfolk over a sixteen day period. Very soon, work will begin on my second book based around photographs taken around the Highlands of Scotland.

Much of the detail for this year’s book still has be worked out, but i have figured out that the book will be in a landscape format, making it a larger book than the last one (i intend to build up to the large landscape format in 2013), with the book measuring 25×20 cm (10×8) – rather a nice size to work with.

The photography for the book will be shot in colour and a release date for the finished book will be around late October.

The finished book will be available to purchase via Blurb in a variety of formats from softcover through to an iPad edition. Keep an eye on the news section for more updates soon.

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