
Photographers within a landscape

By |2017-03-13T11:46:49+00:00September 22nd, 2014|Categories: The Test Strip Photoblog|Tags: , , , , |


If there is one place on Skye that is loaded with photographers (and Skye has its fair share!) it has to be Sligachan, located halfway between Broadford and Portree, where the Cullins mountains dominate the landscape.

The landscape just shouts to be photographed and on my visit there were these intrepid snappers shooting the landscape from the little hill. Every one of them had a tripod, while mine laid sleeping  in the boot of the car.

Possibly they were a camera club, photography workshop or a bunch of photography enthusiasts on a trip, but regardless of who they were, it was fascinating to see  how they carefully viewed the landscape and went about their photography of the black Cuillins. Then they packed their gear, picked up their tripods and went back to the car park, a large number of them taking notice of the film camera  i was carrying as they went by.

Just a shame I’ll probably never get to see the photographs they shot that day.

Repaired iPhone Camera?

By |2016-01-29T23:34:06+00:00June 19th, 2014|Categories: The Test Strip Photoblog|Tags: , , |

Well at least I think it’s repaired. I stripped it down and re-assembled the phone a couple of nights ago and so far, so good. How long it will last is anyone’s guess!

This shot of my bag and hip flask (carrying highland spring water!) was a test shot.

I will be getting a 4S to cover the Summer months… then move onto the iPhone 6 when it’s out later this year.

Published via Pressgram

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